Location From the Bainbridge Island Ferry
Dock: Start out going Northwest on OLYMPIC DR
SE towards HARBORVIEW DR SE. 0.22 mi
Turn LEFT onto WINSLOW WAY E. 0.31 mi
Turn LEFT onto MADISON AVE S. 0.17 mi
Turn RIGHT onto SW PARFITT WAY. 0.06 mi
Total Distance: 0.77 miles
For Your Info
Prices based on LOA or slip length whichever
is longer.
We do not allow pets or children as residents.
Sub-leasing of slips is not allowed
Only boat owners are allowed to liveaboard.
Moorage Availability If you desire longterm moorage at our marina we would
be happy to discuss availability with you. Before responding, we will need the
information contained in the application below. You may fax, EMAIL,
or snail mail the info to us. If moorage is not immediately available, we will
hold your application on file.
If you desire transient moorage (duration less than one month), EMAIL telephone
or text the Dockmaster 206/550-5340.
Click on
applicatioin image
below to go to
moorage application.
Current Rates Per Month
32 foot slip
40 foot slip
48 foot slip
Liveaboard Fee
Livaboard Parking Fee
Transient Rates Per Night
Under 32'
Over 48'
Rates Per Hour
$5 per hour
$20 minimum
The Harbour Marina
• 233 Parfitt Way S.W. • Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 • Phone:
206- 842- 6502 • Email: click